Do you or someone you know need help?
Reaching out for assistance is easy and safe at BBH. Try the Self Assessment Tool to help you identify signs of depression.
BBH reccomends visiting Health Minds Philly for additional tools and resources to support and improve mental health and wellbeing.
We have one goal – to provide you with the best mental and behavioral health care services in the most effective manner possible.
BBH accepts the following insurance plans:
Aetna, Amerihealth, BC/BS Empire NY, Cigna, Clover, EmblemHealth GHI, Empire Plan (UHC), HealthSmart WTC,
Horizon NJ BCBS, Horizon Omnia Tier 1, Local 1199, Longevity, Magnacare, Medicare, Multiplan/PHCS, OSCAR,
Oxford Freedom, Qualcare (NJ Only), Railroad Medicare, WTC Health For Heroes, Tricare, UHC Oxf Liberty, UnitedHealthcare, US Family Health
Providing outpatient services for adolescents, adults, and seniors
At BBH we are focused on recovering and positively impacting the lives of our members. We believe that or integrated services approach allows our members to reach their personal goals. Because we continuously work to remove barriers to member's success the atmosphere here at BBH promotes strength, recovery, and resilience. Join us and we will work with you on your journey to recover and enhance the quality of life for you and your family.
- To provide a well-coordinated, individualized and trauma-focused service model in collaboration with other institutions and agencies in order to assure timely continuum of care.
- To provide excellent trauma-informed services that promotes strength, recovery, and resilience with a high level of expertise.
- To create a service system which includes peer culture support and leadership, family and community involvement, as well as other community recovery support institutions.
- To develop and provide services, training and supervision that support peer-first focus, recovery-oriented interviewing skills, access to continuing support, and education on community resources coupled with assistance toward integration.
- To develop and implement policies and procedures directed to identify and eliminate all barriers to recovery and facilitate resiliency.
- To utilize treatment models guided by practical experience and not by theory through member-centered orientation by assisting individuals and families in understanding the impact of life challenges and the expected trajectory of recovery.
- To monitor the success of outreach processes in order to ensure community inclusion and the effectiveness of service through collaborative strength.
Help is here, just contact us
Phone Number
Business Address
5043 Frankford Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19124